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Quantum Energy: Consider this...

We are made of energy and all living things have energy within and around them. Quantum theorists  are just beginning to explore in-depth the energy, the possibilities with energy within our own dimension and alternate dimensions. Nature is made up of energy: the water,  the land, the mountains and all plant life have their own energy patterns that signify life and, importantly, we can see interactions between the individual energy fields. Auras can be seen around and above trees. It dances like the aurora borealis. Auras are one aspect of your own energy field.


What affects our energy fields? Our own life experience whether difficult or glorious, affects every cell and energy field in and around our body. Our water molecules also store energy both positive and negative. Science has already confirmed we carry within us some of the genetics from our ancestors of trauma such as starvation, war and loss.  This is ground breaking news in understanding and shifting belief systems due to the difficulties our ancestors experienced, which is part of the energy work.

We are all meant to live in community sharing our energy fields with each other, strengthening the whole. A tree that is left singularly standing, after a fire or wind storm, will not survive alone. It will wither and die. When studies are carried out on communities whose residents live long healthy lives, the sense of community plays a significant role in the longevity.

You probably connect naturally to your pets, knowing what they need when they look at you a certain way. You are energetically connecting to them, as they also have their own energy patterns.

My work has been with people of all ages, internationally, and even though I am in Canada, my energy work with a client on the other side of the world is just as immediate as if they were in the room with me. This engages principles of quantum science that we are not yet able to explain to satisfy all scientists. Energy moves as fast as intention can travel from our mind to the form of the intention. Perhaps it will be with the spoken word, or dance, or art or a specific prayer, the form does not matter as long as integrity, compassion and love are at the seat of the prayer.

We can measure with Kirlian photography, the meshing of the auras (our personal energy fields around us) when two people are interacting. When you meet someone you are attracted to, your auras are dancing together but when you meet someone that you do not want to spend time with, your aura will be close to your body, not wanting to connect with the one that is not compatible with your foundational energy field.

You may choose to live in your world with your head down but once you know there is more to life, it is exciting and contagious. From the experience of commuting to work and through intention getting green lights on your route, to thinking about a long lost friend who suddenly calls you after you looked at some old pictures of your good times. There are so many ways for this energy to manifest in your life. It can apply to purpose, finances, home life. It is no longer the sky is the limit, it is

the universe is limitless.

After my client with the concussion was assisted through five minutes of "energy" work, how could I deny this healing intention to anyone else who was open to an expanded definition of human expression on the planet? I see it as Source Energy coming through, an energy field we can all access. 

Are you ready to develop your own energy creation, to help yourself, your children, your friends and community? Try going through the day with only positive thoughts in your mind like" I feel great today. I am grateful for living in this town. I am strong and healthy." Everyone you pass on the street will feel this positive energy whether they are aware of it or not. The cashier in the store that you ask "how is your day going?" can feel it. Your family members can feel it and it can take someone out of a low state into one of hope and positivity. 

Are you ready to expand  your consciousness to a world of true delight in every day? Energy has the potential to shift your physical and emotional blockages, and give you back your vitality and balance. 

Let us work together with an energy clean-up to incorporate love and joy into your life and

our world for the betterment of all living things!

With love and joy, Eva

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